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BOMBSHELL — Newly Discovered Evidence Reveals What The Media Will Never Expose: There Is A Major Islamic Conspiracy Being Done By Extremely Powerful And Wealthy Globalist Elites To Create A Muslim Nazi Empire And Destroy All Of Christianity And Enact A Huge Genocide Of All Christians Around The World. By Theodore And Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, in advance)In this absolute bombshell, you get to watch an American .

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His remarks are not the conspiracy theories you’re used to reading about some shadowy world government looking to impose its will across the globe. Here you will get to watch two teams, the neo- Ottoman think- tanks on the one side and think- tanks from major western Conservative Movements on the other side, setting up camp in Turkey to cooperate fighting against what they term as “political correctness” that overshadows the positive Nazi history, how to make the West palatable to accept Eugenics, grand genocide, and how the West should partner with the neo- Ottoman goals. You might think that this is an insane proposition, but at this new . While we were able to glean much from their conferences, there is more than meets the eye. How To Install Sap Db Tech. This is an obscure entity, a . This obscure society is as they state an “illustrious society” to “enable a discourse in uncompromising intellectual radicality”. By “Radicality” they mean the “ignoring of all boundaries and taboos”.

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For its members they provide as an incentive “The Turkish holiday resort – known as St. Tropez in Turkey” a “party playground for Turkish celebrities” offered  as “the delight of the participants the stay was sweetened by the generosity and hospitality of the Turkish entrepreneur and economist in the tradition of the Austrian school, Dr. Bodrum is where the wealthy Turks play after the sun sets over the Castle of St. Bodrum is Turkey’s hidden place of luxury where  rich celebrities and business tycoons flock to the Turkish coastal resort and where Erdogan would meet with elitists and used to invite Bashar Al- Assad before their fallout. It is where Erdogan hid during the coup, while he was vacationing, or lets say . Bodrum is the place where the viral infamous photo of the Syrian child was found drowned facedown on the beach. Bodrum’s promiscuity stems from as far back as Herodotus’ time, even till today as a world leading whorehouse spiritually and literally.

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There you will get to watch and even read your favorite . For years conservatives have been talking about the alliance between the Left and the Muslims, how the two have been . To expose this connect, the Conservative Alt Right, Counter Jihad and the Identitarians have been at the forefront complaining about Muslim Immigration from Turkey into Europe. But what has been left out of this equation and thrown into the realm of the shadows is the shocking cooperation between the Far- Right, these so- called “conservative” groups and the Muslim Turkish nationalists.

When we state that these are in bed with Muslims and Nazis, the typical Breitbart and Info Wars blue- pill consumers would instantly comment without even blinking: “impossible, why would conservative anti- Muslim groups be in bed with Nazis and Muslims?”While an ignorant blue- pill drinker can jot an ignorant line, it takes a hundred wisemen to refute it. So lets delve deep on how these are not at war with Islamists but are in cahoots with the top most influential Islamist state in the world: the neo- Ottomans of Turkey. While these groups lure the simpleton by bringing up “Shariah,” “Islam,” “the life of Muhammad,” or “Muslim Immigration,” as examples of  a . Our investigative reporting reveals that the . Administration attempting to influence President Trump.

Here is but an appetizer before the main course. Enter and watch videos with all the spiritual copulation, orgies with high ranking Turkish affiliated government personalities, Muslim moguls and funding pimps from Turkish entrepreneurs to Bahraini wealthy businessmen seducing both the European and the American brands of right- wing armchair revolutionaries; prostitutes eager to receive Muslim insemination; aid from major Islamists who want to change the political climate of the entire West all the while you toot their horn giving birth to a movement so sinister and destructive to your own West. While we conservatives keep harping about the Leftist- Muslim alliance, what we never talk about is that the agents of the racialist Alt- Right from Richard Spencer, Jerod Taylor and others found the perfect partner and toleration for their views in Muslim Turkey, years before their ideology had become trendy, as it is today. The more we unravel this conspiracy, the more it is revealed that the Alt- Right spokesmen who present themselves as being on the forefront of the counter- jihad, will in the end side with the Anti- Christian regional superpower of Turkey from where they sprouted their missions at the new .

While the Alt- Right loves to insult their enemies with the label of cuck (a term used to denote a man letting his wife fornicate with a non- White) what has been left under the covers is that the Alt- Right was being . These movements as you will see, would consider Turks “having an Anglo- Saxon mindset,” reminiscent to Hitler’s elevation of Haj Amin Al- Husseini as an “honorary Aryan.”But before we expose all the juicy details, it is crucial to understand why such undercover Nazis want to link with Turkey. It is crucial to first explain why Bodrum, Turkey, became one of the major centers for such movements to spread their ideology which has much to do with history, for in history we will find the presage for the coming Nazi Turkish alliance. INTRODUCTION HITLER AND THE TURKSPerhaps wisdom from the past is necessary to show how history repeats.

The ultra- nationalist Pharisees expressed themselves as ardent patriots against Rome, but in the end, when they warred against Christ, the mob cried out: “We have no king but Caesar.” (John 1. This in itself is prophetic since the Church will suffer the same fate, that while the constituents claim to fight Caesar, in the end, they will unite with the devil against the saints. So as these ultra- nationalists of our time make themselves out to be these fierce defenders of “Western civilization” against the non- White Islamic hoards, when it comes down to it, in their war against God and humanity, they will side with the Antichrist, that is, the polished Western appearing leader who will lead the Islamic world against Christendom. Most do not consider that the main inspiration for Hitler was Turkey. He saw with glee as Turkey rebuilt itself from the ashes of its defeat in the First World War, and he wanted Germany to follow the same path. There was a man that Hitler looked up to more than any other: the leader of the new Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He revered the Turkish leader as his “shining star,” even having his bust carved from stone.

The Nazis even modeled themselves after the Turkish National Movement, and Nazi leaders, from Hitler himself to Goebbels were exuberantly fixated on everything the Turks did. Kemal Ataturk and Adolf Hitler. After the First World War, Germany was a nation utterly reduced to the worst forms of poverty, and the Germans were boiling in anger at their politicians, because they believed that they had “raped” the nation and were thus traitors. As Germany remained in its self- pity and impoverishment, Turkey quickly rebuilt itself.

Entire parts of Turkey were occupied by the British, the Greeks, French and Italians. By 1. 91. 8, the policy of the Entente (an alliance between Britain, Italy and France), was to disintegrate the Ottoman Empire.

Under the hands of the European allies, Turkey was reduced to just Anatolia and eastern Thrace, and by 1. Sultan was under French and British supervision in Istanbul. Along the railway lines of Anatolia, some 4. British troops patrolled the land that once belonged to Ottoman reign.