No other mods/addons required, works with ACEDownload. Operation Arrowhead Version: Requires patch 1.
Arm. A 2 Operation Arrowhead . No other mods/addons required. Download. Arm. A 2 Vanilla Version: Requires patch 1. Arm. A 2 or Arm. A 2 Free. No other mods/addons required. Download. All 3 Versions together.
Download. Thanks to: SRU team, thanks for the ideas and the testing - Sruclan. Dethorath - Helped a lot with sounds and testing. Tonic - Told me to abandon construction, and made the new Loading screen, he also made the time sync correctly! VVC team. Loyal players. Everyone who hosts the mission. Celery for making the zombies!!
A2 version hasn't changed much, but I did add make it so weapons would spawn in vehicles, and a few bugfixes. The CO version is the main one I work on, and A2 lacks a lot of the scripting features of OA and CO, which makes it much harder to port the latest version over to it. If you spawn with a weapon but cannot shoot, just press F.