The internal audit department should setup a mechanism to monitor objectivity in every assurance and consulting activity. Prompt actions must be taken to prevent potential loss to objectivity. Internal audit activity assesses risks embedded in all functions across all the departments of a company and suggests controls to eliminate them. The purpose is to eliminate all risks in the system. The successful elimination of all risks ensures efficient and effective accomplishment of business plans and guarantees business success.
Management has a key role to play in the implementation of controls as recommended by the internal auditors. Apart from the recommendations of the internal auditors, management is primarily responsible for the establishment of control environment. The assessment of the risks by the internal auditors provide refinement to the process of control systems. The reinforcement of controls upon the recommendation of the internal auditors help a company in improving the effectiveness of risk management, control system and governance process. The members should be board members and outsiders i. The audit committee has an oversight responsibility for internal and external audit functions.
Audit committee acts as an independent check on management and helps the external financial statements users in assuring that financial statements accurately portray the business activities of a company. And that effective internal control system is in place.
All laws and regulations are complied by the company. These standards are provided by the Institute of Internal Auditors, USA.
The standards are known as, International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (the standards). These standards provide guidance on assurance and consulting activities.
The application of these standards during work is mandatory upon internal auditors. Following are the types of the standards Attribute Standards pertain to the company and team/staff performing the audit work.
Performance Standards are about the nature of internal auditing and provide quality criteria for the performance of the work. Implementation Standards provide guidance for each attribute or performance standard to be applicable to assurance (A) or consulting (C) activity. AUTHORITYThe staff of Internal Audit Office reports to CAE who reports to Audit Committee or the board directly. CAE have full and free access to the audit committee or the board. CAE for administrative purposes may report to the CEO but for functional purposes shall always report to audit committee or the board directly. Internal audit is fully authorized to Have complete and unrestricted access to records, personnel, and physical properties relevant to the performance of engagements. Delegate duties, allocate resources, select team, determine scope of works, and select required techniques to accomplish objectives.
Obtain necessary assistance of personnel in audited units and other specialized services within or outside the organization. Internal audit staff is not authorized to Perform any operational duties for the company. Initiate or approve accounting transactions external to the Internal Audit Office. Direct the activities of any departments employees not employed by the Internal Audit Office, except those who have been assigned to assist the audit team. RESPONSIBILITYCAE, in the discharge of his duties, has the responsibility to Provide annual assessment on the effectiveness of the companys controls in managing its risks and activities. Identify and assess potential risks to the operations.
Review the adequacy of controls established to ensure compliance with policies, plans, procedures, and business objectives. Provide periodic information on the status of the annual audit plan and the sufficiency of the Internal Audit Offices resources.
Present a periodic (say quarterly) report to the audit committee. Assess the reliability and security of financial and management information and the systems and operations that produce the information. Assess the means of safeguarding assets. Review established procedures and systems and propose improvements.
Appraise the use of resources with regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Follow up recommendations to make sure that effective remedial action is taken. RESPONSIBILITY(continued)Carry out appraisals, investigations, or reviews requested by the management. CAE and staff of the Internal Audit Office, in the discharge of their duties, have the responsibility to Develop an annual audit plan based on comprehensive risk assessment, including risks identified by the management. Submit the annual audit plan to the audit committee or the board for approval.
Implement the annual audit plan as approved, including special requests by management. Issue periodic reports to the audit committee summarizing the results of the audits. Coordinate with and provide oversight of other controls and monitoring functions related to risk management, compliance, security, ethics, and environmental issues.
Assist in the investigation of suspected fraudulent activities within the organization upon request made from management. Consider the scope of work of the external auditors and regulators to provide wider audit coverage.