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How To Lose Weight In Just 7 Days. The GM Diet Plan: How To Lose Weight In Just 7 Daysglendon. July 2. 7, 2. 01. I’m trying to lose a few pounds”. Your colleagues, family members, or best friends have uttered these words with great anxiety, concerned about their bulging waistline.

Everyone is always in search of that one magical diet that will get them fast results. But out of the thousands of diets available out there, how do you know what really works and what doesn’t? And do any of them promise results in just seven days? A- Z Of The GM Diet. What Is The GM Diet? The General Motors diet has been around since 1. It was originally developed by General Motors, along with the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture, for its employees.

It was designed to increase workforce productivity by making the workers healthier. Results of the diet were impressive – a loss of 1. The workers experienced increased efficiency, confidence, and higher energy. The diet was deemed a great success.

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Probably the biggest reason millions of people swear by the GM diet is because it’s easy to follow. There are no complicated ingredients or great demands on a person’s routine. For this reason, we recommend GM diet for you.

Let’s see how this diet works to burn the stored fat. Back To TOCHow Does The GM Diet Plan Work?

The plan focuses on limiting your weekly diet to eating fruits, vegetables, brown rice, and chicken. The diet focuses on consuming a combination of complex carbohydrates, low- calorie vegetables, and fruits, and increasing water intake to help achieve a weight loss of up to 1. Below is a day- to- day guide for anyone who wants to follow the GM diet.

Caution: Always consult a doctor before starting on a diet regimen. Back To TOCThe GM Diet Plan. GM Diet Plan Day 1. You Will Need. A variety of fruit – apples, oranges, watermelon, kiwi, and papaya are some of your best options. What You Have To Do. The first day of the diet allows you to eat as many fruits as you like. There are no restrictions on when you can eat.

Watermelons and cantaloupes are the recommended fruits as they are high in fiber. Other healthy choices include papaya, apples, and oranges. You must also consume 8 to 1. At no point is it advised to starve.

If you feel hungry, you can grab some fruits and satisfy your craving. A Schedule You Could Follow. Breakfast. 8 am – 9 am)A regular sized apple with a glass of water. Brunch(1. 1 am – 1. Half a bowl of sliced cantaloupe with a glass of water.

Lunch (1: 3. 0 pm – 2 pm)A serving of sliced watermelon and two glasses of water. Post Lunch Snack(4 pm – 5 pm)A whole orange and a glass of water. Evening Snack (6: 3. An apple and a glass of water. Dinner(8 pm – 9 pm)Sliced cantaloupe and a guava with two glasses of water. Why This Works. Fiber- rich fruits keep you full for longer (1).

They are also low in fat. In addition, the high amount of water intake will flush out the toxins and prepare your body for the next six days of dieting. There are some foods that may hinder your weight loss.

Here is a list of foods that you should avoid. Foods To Avoid. Vegetables – Avoid eating any veggies on this day. Fruits – Banana. Protein – Avoid eating any protein source such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, and mushrooms. Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil. Carbs – Avoid all carb rich foods, including brown rice.

Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese. Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, milkshakes, vegetable juices or smoothies, and packaged fruit juices. Are you allergic or don’t like the taste of certain foods listed in the diet plan? Don’t worry, we have a food substitutes list ready for you. Substitutes. Apple – Orange. Cantaloupe – Cucumber.

Watermelon – Honeydew melon or cucumber. Orange – Grapefruit or peach. Guava – Green apple. Useful Tip: It is advisable to eat some apples and drink a couple of glasses of water for breakfast. Melons are also a good choice; you can lose up to three pounds by the end of day 1. Eating good and less will help you to a certain extent. To activate the lipid mobilization, you have to exercise.

Here is a list of basic exercises that you can start with. Exercises. Since you will be on only fruits and water, do not perform rigorous exercises. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school. Here is your customized exercise plan for Day 1. Arm circles – 1 set of 1. Wrist circles – 1 set of 1.

Neck rotation – 1 set of 1. Ankle rotation – 1 set of 1. Leg rotation – 1 set of 1. Waist rotation – 1 set of 1. Spot Jogging – 5- 1. Yoga asanas (stretching)Warning- Please avoid doing any of the exercises listed above if you have any injury.

Please consult your trainer or doctor. How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 1. Day 1 will be comparatively easy since the monotony of eating fruits and veggies has not crept in yet. If you stick to the diet plan and exercise routine, you will feel active, energetic, and great about yourself by the end of Day 1. Ready for Day 2? Back To TOCGM Diet Plan Day 2.

You Will Need. An assortment of vegetables. Some of the healthiest options would be carrots, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and cabbage. What You Have To Do. You have to follow a vegetable- only meal plan on the second day.

You can cook the vegetables to make them palatable, or consume them raw. Care should be taken while preparing the vegetables as oil is not allowed.

So, forget deep frying your favorite potatoes or eating chips. You can have the vegetables whenever you feel hungry. A Espuma Dos Dias Download Legendado Movie here. Flavorings like olive oil or butter can be used sparingly, only if absolutely required.

A Schedule You Could Follow. Breakfast. 8 am – 9 am)A boiled potato.

You can also add a teaspoon of low- fat butter for flavor. Brunch(1. 1 am – 1. Cabbage and lettuce salad with a light dressing and a glass of water. Lunch (1: 3. 0 pm – 2 pm)A mixed vegetable salad with cucumbers, onions, and carrots and two glasses of water. Post Lunch Snack(4 pm – 5 pm)A cup of boiled broccoli, half a cup of sliced bell pepper, and two glasses of water. Evening Snack (6: 3.

Some boiled cauliflower with a light dressing and a glass of water. Sorta Crackers Band Chicken Dance Download. Dinner(8 pm – 9 pm)A salad comprising boiled carrots, broccoli, and green beans, and two glasses of water. Why This Works. Vegetables have all the nutrients you need to sustain your body. Potatoes have carbohydrates, peas have protein, and carrots and beans are full of fiber and essential vitamins (2). After the relatively low carb day, this will replenish your carb stores and will energize you for the next day of the diet. It’s all good as long as you avoid the following listed foods.

Foods To Avoid. Fruits – Avoid all fruits on this day. Protein – Avoid eating any protein source such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, and mushrooms. Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil. Carbs – Avoid all carb- rich foods, including brown rice.

Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese. Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, fresh fruit juices or smoothies, and packaged fruit juices. Bored of eating the same veggies?

Take a look at the substitute list to break the monotony. Substitutes. Potato – Sweet potato or carrots. Butter – Margarine or sour cream. Cabbage – Bok choy or celery. Lettuce – Leek. Cucumber – Carrots.

Onion – Shallots. Carrot – Beetroot. Broccoli – Cauliflower.

Bell Pepper – Zucchini. Cauliflower – Green beans. Useful Tip: Eating baked potatoes will help you go through this hard phase!

You can also switch to cabbage soup or tomato soup and have it for lunch or dinner. As long as you stay active, you will keep many obesity- related diseases and heart diseases at bay. Check out the exercise regimen for Day 2.

Exercises. A similar exercise routine as Day 1, but a slightly strenuous workout plan to help mobilize the fat. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school.