If you're running an older version of Windows DNS services or some other DNS service on your network and you want to deploy Active Directory, Scott Lowe says.
If you type a hyphen (- ) instead of Computer. To. Find, the command prompt changes to nslookup interactive mode. The command- line length must be less than 2. Descargar Super Bluetooth Hack By Candy. Nslookup has two modes: interactive and noninteractive.
For the first parameter, type the name or IP address of the computer that you want to look up. For the second parameter, type the name or IP address of a DNS name server.
If you omit the second argument, nslookup uses the default DNS name server. If you need to look up more than one piece of data, you can use interactive mode. Type a hyphen (- ) for the first parameter and the name or IP address of a DNS name server for the second parameter. Or, omit both parameters and nslookup uses the default DNS name server. Following are some tips about working in interactive mode: To interrupt interactive commands at any time, press CTRL+B. To exit, type exit.
To treat a built- in command as a computer name, precede it with the escape character (). An unrecognized command is interpreted as a computer name. Examples. Each command- line option consists of a hyphen (- ) followed immediately by the command name and, in some cases, an equal sign (=) and then a value. To change the default query type to host (computer) information and the initial time- out to 1.