Estate Installation Post Real Signed

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Property Glossary Real Estate Terminology South Africa. A- Grade Office Space. This is essentially high quality office space that has air- conditioning, parking, etc and is generally not older than 1. The rentals are near the top the rental range. Ab Initio. From the beginning, at the outset. Ab Intestato. Of someone who dies without a valid will. Abandonment. The voluntary relinquishment of rights of ownership or interest by failure to use the property; couples with intent to abandon or give up interest.

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Abandonment Value. The value of a project or asset if it were immediately liquidated. Also referred to as the liquidation value. Abatement. A decrease or reduction in the price of a property (or in rent chargeable to a tenant). Usually occurs as a result of the discovery of a negative fact about the property which decreases its value from the price originally agreed upon by the parties. Absentee Bid. An absentee bid is a procedure which allows a bidder to participate in the auction bidding process without being physically present. An absentee bidder submits an offer prior to the auction.

Absentee Owner. An owner of property who does not occupy the said property. Absolute Auction. An absolute auction is an auction where the item on auction is sold to the highest bidder, with no limiting conditions or reserve amount. Absorption Rate. Absorption rate is a ratio used to enumerate the number of properties in an area that have been sold, as compared against the number of properties available for sale. The absorption rate is used to get a better understanding of the volatility of a certain real estate market. Abstract. A synopsis of the legal history of ownership of real property. A summary of recorded instruments, which affect title, arranged in the order of recording.

Abstraction Method. An abstraction method is a method used for estimating the value of property. Properties that are alike and available in the same real estate market are used to determine the value of a specific parcel of land. Accelerated Depreciation. Depreciation is the reduction of the value of a property as a result of the passing of time. Usually used for tax purposes, the depreciation in the value of a property may be used as a tax deduction.

Fix8’s Commercial Hanging Systems: Aldi Store. Looking for Commercial Hanging Systems?? Recently, Fix8 Systems teamed up with VBP Interiors to do an interior shop. Providing the worlds leading real estate companies for 30 years. Let us bring our talent. Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon Torrent Kickass Movies. Purpose of Life Insurance. Purchasing life insurance is probably one of the very few ways that one can establish an estate. After all, when one purchases life. Used manufactured homes (whether deregistered or not) may only be offered for sale in BC provided they bear an approval mark such as a Canadian Standards Association.

If a property loses its value quickly, this depreciation rate may be accelerated so that most of the value is lost in the first few years and then the depreciation rate decreases later in the property's life span. Also known as “Writing down” the value of a property. Acceleration Clause.

A clause in your mortgage which allows the lender to demand payment of the outstanding loan balance for various reasons. The most common reasons for accelerating a loan are if the borrower defaults on the loan or transfers title to another individual without informing the lender. Access Bond. This facility allows you to draw funds up to a predetermined loan amount.

Accessory Building. An accessory building is a building that stands separate from the main structure on a parcel of land. An accessory building is very often used for a specific purpose, such as a store room, a workshop, tool shed or garage. Accredited Assessment Evaluator (AAE)A professional designation. A property evaluator who has achieved the requirements of the International Association of Assessing Officers. Accretion. The gradual build up of soil by water.

Accrued. An adjective describing something that has come into existence but has not yet been claimed by or distributed to its rightful owner. Accrued Interest. The interest that has accumulated on a bond since the last interest payment up to but not including the settlement date. Acknowledgment. A declaration before a Notary Public, Justice of the Peace or other officer by a party executing a legal document that the execution is his free and voluntary act and deed.

Acquisition. The process of taking title to or ownership of some form or type of property asset. Acquisition Costs. Costs of acquiring ownership and title of a property other than the purchase price, conveyancing fees, insurance, tender fees, etc.

Acre. A measure of land equalling 4. Act. A form of legislation passed by the courts for the government. Active Income. Income from salary, wages, tips, commissions and other activities in which the taxpayer participates. Ad Hoc. For a specific purpose or event Ad Idem.

Comprehensive Online Commercial Real Estate Glossary of Terms and Definitions. Trading Services General Information (a) Contract Clauses (i) Contracts of Purchase and Sale. The intent of each item included in any contract must be clear and. Real Estate Complaints Satender Singh. Posted On: 2017-08-12 11:36:40 I want to inform you that I was a former employee of SARE Homes, posted at Gurugram Branch.

When parties are in agreement, have consensus. Ad Infinitum. Forever.

Ad Valorem. According to the value. Addendum. This is a supplementary or separately attached agreement to an original sale contract which specifies agreed terms which are in the attached contract. A supplementary and separate agreement to an original sale contract, and should it contradict the original contract, it is presumed to overrule it. Additional Principal Payment. An additional principal payment is an amount, paid by a borrower, of more than the scheduled principal amount due. Additional principal payments reduce the remaining loan balance and shorten the term of the loan. An additional principal payment is also called a 'principal curtailment'.

Adiate or Adiation. To accept the benefits under a will, as opposed to repudiate or repudiation which is to reject the benefits in terms of a joint will. Adjusted Cost Base. For the purposes of determining capital gains or losses.

The acquisition cost of a property, plus the cost of any improvements to the property. Adjustable- Rate Mortgage (ARM)An adjustable- rate mortgage is a mortgage that permits the lender to periodically adjust the interest rate over the life of the loan on the basis of changes in a specified index. An adjustable- rate mortgage therefore regularly changes its interest rate, according to changes in the linked index.

In South Africa, adjustable- rate mortgages are usually linked to the Reserve Bank Repo Rate. Adjustable- rate mortgages are also called 'variable- rate mortgages'. Adjusted Cost Basis. For accounting purposes, the original cost plus improvements minus depreciation or cost recovery taken. Adjustment Date. The date the interest rate changes on an adjustable- rate mortgage.

Adjustment Interval. A specified period between changes in the interest rate or monthly payment on an adjustable rate mortgage. Adjustment Period. For an adjustable rate mortgage, the adjustment period is the time period between interest rate change dates, as stated in the mortgage note. Administration Fee. Fee charged by a lender to cover the initial costs of processing a loan application. The fee may include the cost of obtaining a property appraisal, a credit report, or other closing costs incurred during the process or the fee may be in addition to these charges.

In an auction, this is an additional fee charged to the Buyer. This is added to the winning bid and constitutes the purchase price. Applicable state sales taxes are computed on this figure and the total becomes the final purchase price. Administrator. A party appointed by a court to administer the estate of a person who has died without leaving a will. Rosetta Stone English Activation Code Keygen Software.

Ad Valorem. Means . Aesthetic Value. This is the value of a property attributable to the beauty of the improvements or surroundings. Affidavit. This is a written statement or declaration, sworn to before an officer who has authority to sign under oath. Affordability Analysis. The bank needs to assess whether you can afford the monthly instalments on the home loan. Your monthly income must be of a permanent nature and joint income may be taken into account where appropriate. This calculation is referred to as the Affordability factor.

Affordability factor (AF) = . Agency. A relationship of trust whereby one party, the principal, entrusts another party, the agent, to act in their behalf and to represent them in doing business with other parties. Agency with Mandate. Agency with mandate is an Estate Agency that has been given the authority to sell a property by its owner.