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As the nation developed, it expanded westward from small settlements along the Atlantic Coast, eventually including all the territory between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the middle of the North American continent, as well as two noncontiguous states and a number of territories. At the same time, the population and the economy of the United States grew and changed dramatically. The population diversified as immigrants arrived from all countries of the world. From its beginnings as a remote English colony, the United States has developed the largest economy in the world.

Throughout its history, the United States has faced struggles, both within the country. The efforts to deal with and resolve these struggles have shaped the United States of America into the 2. II. Yet conquest and enslavement were accompanied by centuries of cultural interaction. During the Ice Ages much of the world. Sea level dropped by hundreds of feet, creating a land bridge between Alaska and Siberia. Asians walked across to become the first human inhabitants of the Americas. Precisely when this happened remains unknown, but most scientists believe it occured before 1.

When the last glaciers receded about 1. America), ancestors of the Native Americans filled nearly all of the habitable parts of North and South America. They lived in isolation from the history.

See also First Americans. The Native Americans who greeted the first Europeans had become diverse peoples.

They spoke between 3. The Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru built great empires (see Aztec Empire; Inca Empire).

In what is now the United States, the Mississippians (see Mound Builders) built cities surrounded by farmland between present. Louis, Missouri, (where their city of Cahokia was larger than medieval London) and Natchez, Mississippi. The Mississippians. The Pueblo peoples of the Southwest lived in large towns, irrigated their dry land with river water, and traded with peoples as far away as Mexico and California. In the East, the peoples who eventually encountered English settlers were varied, but they lived in similar ways. All of them grew much of their food. Women farmed and gathered food in the woods.

Men hunted, fished, and made war. None of these peoples kept herds of domestic animals; they relied on abundant wild game for protein. All lived in family groups, but owed their principal loyalties to a wider network of kin and to their clans.

Even within these confederacies, however, everyday political organization seldom extended beyond villages, and village chiefs ruled their independent. From the beginning, slaves were among the articles of trade. These earliest enslaved Africans were criminals, war captives, and people sold by their relatives to settle debts. New World demand increased the slave trade and changed it. Some of the coastal kingdoms of present.

They conducted raids into the interior and sold their captives to European slavers. Nearly all of the Africans enslaved and brought to America by this trade were natives of the western coastal rain forests and the inland forests of the Congo and Central Africa. About half of all Africans who were captured, enslaved, and sent to the Americas were Bantu.

Others were from smaller ethnic and language groups. Most had been farmers in their homeland.

The men hunted, fished, and tended animals, while women and men worked the fields cooperatively and in large groups. They lived in kin. They practiced polygyny (men often had several wives, each of whom maintained a separate household), and their societies tended to give very specific spiritual duties to women and men. Adolescent girls and boys were inducted into secret societies in which they learned the sacred and separate duties of women and men.

These secret societies provided supernatural help from the spirits that governed tasks such as hunting, farming, fertility, and childbirth. Although formal political leaders were all men, older, privileged women exercised great power over other women. Thus enslaved African peoples in the New World came from societies in which women raised children and governed one another, and where men and women were more nearly equal than in America or Europe.

C. The Chinese possessed the wealth and the seafaring skills that would have enabled them to explore, but they had little interest in the world outside of China. The Arabs and other Islamic peoples also possessed wealth and skills. But they expanded into territories that were next to them. The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1. Vienna. These conquests gave them control over the overland trade routes to Asia as well as the sea route through the Persian Gulf. The conquests also gave them an expanding empire to occupy their attention. Western Europeans, on the other hand, were developing the necessary wealth and technology and a compelling need to explore.

A group of new monarchs were making nation- states in Britain and in continental Europe. The population of Western European nations was growing, providing a tax base and a labor force for new classes of large landholders.

When the expansion of Islam gave control of eastern trade routes to Islamic middlemen, Western Europeans had strong incentives to find other ways to get to Asia. They were also developing sailing technology and knowledge of currents and winds to travel long distances on the open sea.

The Portuguese led the way. They copied and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 1. 5th century they began exploring the west coast of Africa. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands and turned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 1. He used the familiar prevailing winds to the Canary Islands, off the northwest coast of Africa, and then sailed on.

In about two months he landed in the Caribbean on an island in the Bahamas, thinking he had reached the East Indies. Columbus made three more voyages. He died in 1. 50. Asia. The Spanish investigated further.

Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci sailed to the northern coast of South America in 1. European mapmakers named it America in his honor.

Spanish explorer Vasco N. That same year another Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Le. Some scholars argue that European fishermen had discovered the fishing waters off eastern Canada by 1.

But the first recorded voyage was made by John Cabot, an Italian navigator in the service of England, who sailed from England to Newfoundland in 1. Giovanni da Verrazzano, in 1. Jacques Cartier, in 1.

Atlantic coast of the present United States for France. By that time, Europeans had scouted the American coast from Newfoundland to Brazil. While they continued to look for shortcuts to Asia, Europeans began to think of America for its own sake. Spain again led the way: Hern.

Europeans initiated this contact and often dictated its terms. For Native Americans and Africans, American history began in disaster.

Native Americans suffered heavily because of their isolation from the rest of the world. Europe, Africa, and Asia had been trading knowledge and technologies for centuries.

Societies on all three continents had learned to use iron and kept herds of domestic animals. Europeans had acquired gunpowder, paper, and navigational equipment from the Chinese. Native Americans, on the other hand, had none of these. They were often helpless against European conquerors with horses, firearms, and. Asians, Africans, and Europeans had been exposed to one another.

On average, Native Americans were bigger and healthier than the Europeans who first encountered them. But they were helpless against European and African diseases. Smallpox was the biggest killer, but illnesses such as measles and influenza also killed millions of people. The indigenous population of Mexico, for example, was more than 1. Cort. By 1. 63. 0 it had dropped to 7.

Court of Appeals of Virginia Published Opinions in PDF Format. These opinions are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. The Adobe Acrobat Viewer (free from Adobe) allows you to view and print PDF documents. Commonwealth of Virginia 0.

Trial court erred in denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in denying appellant. Morrissa Dugger 0.

No error in Commission. Larry Grant Browning 0. Judgment of trial court affirmed where a trial transcript that was not timely filed is indispensable to resolution of the assignments of error raised on appeal. Bryan Dunnington Cocke v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in finding that the accident at issue resulted in more than $1,0.

Hassan Christopher Atkins v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting text messages and a tweet as the Commonwealth adequately authenticated the evidence. Tyrone Logan, s/k/a Tyrone Lamont Logan v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0.

Trial court did not err in finding evidence was sufficient to prove appellant was the shooter and that he shot at the victim with malice; trial court erred in preventing appellant from proffering the testimony of additional sentencing witnesses. Edy Canales v. Marvin Alejandro Torres Orellana 0. Trial court did not err in finding it lacked jurisdiction to make separate Special Immigrant Juvenile findings of fact or in crossing out the specific Special Immigrant Juvenile findings in the custody order. Timothy Kenneth Bartley v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0.

Court finds appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting testimonial statements made by victim to medical provider, except the statement regarding threat to the victim, where the statements were admissible under the medical treatment exception to Rule of Evidence 2: 8. Sixth Amendment challenge.

Judy Kay Reaves v. James Kelly Tucker 0. Trial court did not err in refusing to stay the scheduled trial after appellant filed a notice of appeal of a nonappealable interlocutory order; trial court did not abuse its discretion in enforcing the pretrial scheduling order and the pretrial conference order. Freddie Beckham, III v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0.

Trial court did not err in admitting two prior driving under the influence convictions from Florida to enhance appellant. Jennifer Late 0. 5/3. Trial court. Commonwealth of Virginia 0.

Trial court did not err in joining the charges in the three murder cases or in sentencing appellant for two capital murders; evidence was sufficient to support convictions. Calvin Donnell Jennings v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court erred in failing to strike the Commonwealth. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0.

Evidence was sufficient for jury to find appellant acted with criminal negligence when she fired a gun in reckless disregard of the safety of others in the occupied hotel; trial court did not err in refusing appellant. Fairfax County School Board 0.

Commission did not err in enforcing a termination agreement and denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Petition for rehearing en banc granted.

Crystal Ann Coomer v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court erred in finding evidence sufficient to convict appellant of felony child endangerment where there was no evidence of a substantial risk or probability of serious injury or death to the child arising from the accident and appellant.

Commonwealth of Virginia 0. No error in trial court. John Henry Hagmann, M. D. 0. 3/2. 1/2. 01. Trial court erred in ruling that appellant should have granted the appellee. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in refusing to strike a potential juror for cause where.

Leila Hadad Zackrison, M. D. 0. 3/1. 4/2. 01. Trial court erred in concluding decision of appellant prohibiting appellee from testifying as an expert witness at her hearing was a due process violation; lack of specific proffer as to what her expected testimony would have been does not allow Court to say that appellee suffered prejudice from the erroneous ruling. Gregory A. Richardson v. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court erred in imposing consecutive sentences for convictions of common law involuntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter in violation of Code .

D. S., Crystal Senecal, et al. No error in Commission. Wardell Orthopaedics, P. C. 0. 2/2. 8/2. 01. Commission did not err in exercising jurisdiction over appellee.

Wardell Orthopaedics, P. C. 0. 2/2. 8/2. 01.

Commission did not err in awarding appellee an additional fee for services associated with a claimant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Appeal dismissed insofar as it pertains to merits of appellant. Virginia Department of State Police 0. Trial court did not err in affirming decision of hearing officer declining to reinstate appellant to employment where hearing officer did not act .

Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court erred in denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. No error in trial court. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in refusing appellant.

Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in denying appellant.

Eileen Mc. Nicholas 0. How To Crack Tally Password Break here. Trial court did not err in holding appellant in contempt of court for his willful failure to comply with an order of the court and terms of the parties. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in admitting statements under the excited utterance exception to the hearsay rule or in finding evidence to sufficient to convict appellant of malicious wounding, two counts of assault and battery, and driving under the influence. Michael Scott Coffman v.

Commonwealth of Virginia 0. Trial court did not err in admitting certificate of analysis of a blood sample obtained by a registered nurse not designated by order of a circuit court where Code . City of Newport News Department of Human Services 1. No error in trial court. City of Newport News Department of Human Services 1. No error in trial court.

City of Newport News Department of Human Services 1. No error in trial court. City of Newport News Department of Human Services 1.

No error in trial court. Commonwealth of Virginia 1.

Trial court did not err in imposing the mandatory minimum sentences for appellant. City of Newport News Department of Human Services 1. No error in trial court.

City of Newport News Department of Human Services 1. No error in trial court. Commonwealth of Virginia 1. Trial court did not err in denying appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 1. Trial court did not err in denying appellant.

Commonwealth of Virginia 1. Trial court erred in not allowing appellant to withdraw his guilty pleas based on a material mistake of fact, having been erroneously advised by his attorney concerning the availability of an insanity defense. Charlie Luther Wilson, Jr. Commonwealth of Virginia 1. Trial court erred in revoking appellant. Commonwealth of Virginia 1.

Trial court did not err in convicting appellant of displaying a noose with intent to intimidate where the use of an intimidating and threatening display on his own premises constituted a violation of the law where appellant displayed a noose and dummy in a place and manner to communicate threats to others. Nathan Osburn v. Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control 1. No error in trial court. Veldhuyzen v. Stafford County School Bd 1. Trial court erred in concluding child was not a child with a disability within the context of the IDEA on the basis that child. Commonwealth of Virginia 1.

Error in trial court. Delmar Lang and Susan Lang 1.