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Jazz Phrasing – The Ultimate Performance Guide. Jazz Phrasing – The Ultimate Performance Guide.

Find Wes Montgomery discography, albums and singles on AllMusic. THE NEARLY COMPLETE LEIBER & STOLLER DISCOGRAPHY While I have made every reasonable attempt—and a few unreasonable ones—to make this discography complete, it is.

I think you’ll agree that jazz phrasing is an essential skill for any soloist to possess. You can play all the hip jazz lines you like, but if you never punctuate your phrases, or play the same phrase lengths, then your hip licks become predictable a run- on sentence. While you may know that studying jazz phrasing is important, it can be an extensive concept to tackle in the practice room. But, by becoming more confident with different phrases, your solos will be lifted to new levels of creativity without having to learn any new technical material.

The material in this lesson is designed to take you from day 1 of your phrasing studies all the way to the advanced level of soloing. Take your time with the exercises in this lesson, as you don’t have to rush through them this week, month, or even year. Come back to these exercises over time, as phrasing is a lifelong study for anyone serious about learning jazz guitar. Download Your FREE 8.

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To begin, you learn exactly what a phrase is and what the term phrasing means when applied to a jazz guitar soloing context. A phrase is a complete musical statement, with a beginning, middle, and end.

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Urbie Green, Trombonist & soloist, USA. 8, 1926, Mobile, AL - Jazz Artist, New York City Martin trombonist Urban (Urbie) Green, known as the. Search torrents on dozens of torrent sites and torrent trackers. Unblock torrent sites by proxy. PirateBay proxies, RARBG unblocked and more torrent proxies. The Fender Bass VI, originally known as the Fender VI, is a six-string electric bass guitar made by Fender. Jazz Phrasing – The Ultimate Performance Guide. I think you’ll agree that jazz phrasing is an essential skill for any soloist to possess. You can play all the hip.

Think of this as a “line” in a jazz guitar solos. As with great jazz lines, a great phrase contains all the notes needed to make a full statement, and nothing more.

The term phrasing, in this context, means to create phrases in the moment during an improvised jazz guitar solo. When you hear a soloist playing a line, leaving space, and then playing the next line, they’re using “phrasing” in their solos. Which is a good thing.

If a soloist is running straight 8th notes and not stopping in their solos, they’re playing the equivalent of a run on sentence. And that’s a bad thing. Now that you know what a phrase is and what the term phrasing means, you learn why this concept is important to study and apply to your jazz guitar solos. Why is Phrasing Important in Jazz? Now that you know what phrasing is, you might be asking: “How will better phrasing improve my jazz guitar solos?”That’s a good question, and one that comes with an easy answer. If you become better at phrasing, you elevate your playing without having to learn anything new on the fretboard. Phrasing is a concept that when done well makes everything that you play sound better.

On the other hand, if you have poor phrasing, you struggle to make any hip harmonic or melodic concept sound good in a jazz solo. As well, guitarists tend to play long streams of notes in their solos, which can become tedious to listeners and your band mates. Because guitarists don’t have to breathe, you can play forever without stopping between lines or creating any phrases in your solos. I’ve often said: “If our fingers had lungs we’d all be better players.”To help you imitate breathing on the guitar, you can study phrasing exercises and purposefully insert spacing and endings to your lines in your solos. As you progress on the instrument, having a strong control of phrasing, and being able to be creative within those phrases, becomes even more important. Jazz Phrasing Exercises – Stage 1.

If you’re new to practicing jazz phrasing exercises, these three exercises and sample solo give you the foundation you need at this stage in your playing. You can practice any of these exercises on your own with a metronome, with a progression over a backing track such as a ii V I, or over full jazz tunes. Whatever is comfortable for you is great to use in your studies. The goal is to work on phrasing, not necessarily tunes, so pick a vehicle that’s easy for you to play and use that to focus on phrasing in these exercises.

As well, because the goal is phrasing, you don’t have to use any advanced single- note material when soloing. Keep it simple, even blues scales are fine, and keep your focus on developing your phrasing with these exercises in your studies. If you find that you struggle to either stop playing, or come back to playing, on time, you can count along (1- 2- 3- 4) as you work through any of these exercises. Though counting may seem rudimentary, it’s a powerful practice tool that you can use to solidify your sense of time and understanding of bar and phrase lengths. Exercise 1 – 2+2.

In this first exercise, you alternate playing two bars of single- note solo lines with two bars of silence. Starting with an even number of bars makes it easier to know when it’s time to play and when it’s time to lay out. After you worked on two bars of soloing then two bars of silence, reverse this approach to start with two bars of silence then two bars of soloing. Here’s an example of the “playing for two bars and resting for two bars” phrasing approach over the first four bars to Summertime. Click to hear jazz- guitar- phrasing- 1. Exercise 2 – 1+3.

You now work on asymmetrical phrase lengths as you practice soloing for one bar and resting for three bars. When working on this exercise, you need to be very succinct in your soloing lines, as you only have four beats to make a complete musical statement. Not only will this help you develop more creative phrasing, but you learn how to use a minimal amount of space to build and resolve a line in your solos. After you worked on playing for one bar and resting for three bars, reverse the exercise so that you rest for one bar and solo for three bars. Here’s an example of playing for one bar and resting for three bars to use as a reference over the first four bars of Summertime. Click to hear jazz- guitar- phrasing- 2. Exercise 3 – 1+2+1.

The next exercise focuses on soloing for one bar, then resting for two bars, and then soloing for one more bar in every four- bar phrase. Notice that after the first phrase, over a full tune, you’re playing for two bars and resting for two bars, as you did in the first exercise. Though now, you displaced that phrase by one bar. After you worked this exercise as is, reverse it by resting for one bar, soloing for two bars, then resting for one bar. Here’s an example of the solo + rest + solo phrasing exercise over the first four bars to Summertime that you can use as a reference. Click to hear jazz- guitar- phrasing- 3.

Sample Solo – Summertime. Here’s an example of how these various phrase lengths can be applied to a full jazz tune, in this case Summertime.

You can listen to this example and then practice playing over the tune yourself. Or, if you enjoy the solo, you can learn how to play it on the guitar to get the sample lines and phrases under your fingers as well as in your ears. To help you practice this Summertime etude, and phrasing over Summertime, here’s a backing track that you can jam along to in your practice routine.

Summertime Backing Track Summertime Backing Track. Click to hear jazz- guitar- phrasing- 4. Jazz Phrasing Exercises – Stage 2.

If you can play confidently and accurately through the Stage 1 exercises, then move on to more advanced jazz guitar phrasing concepts. In the following exercises, you focus your attention on beginning and ending on different beats within any given bar in your solos. After working on playing phrases of various lengths in the previous exercises, working on playing lines from different beats will take your phrasing to new levels. As was the case with the previous exercises, you can apply any of these Stage 2 exercises to your metronome practice, over progressions, or to full tunes. Exercise 1 – Starting on Downbeats.

To begin, you’ll focus on starting every line you play on a downbeat, the 1- 2- 3- 4, of any bar. Right now it’s not important that you start on any specific downbeat, but mix things up a bit so that you don’t always start on the same beat in each of your lines.

If you find that you can’t stop your lines from beginning on a specific beat, then zoom in and work this exercise starting only on the other beats in the bar.