The Kubuntu team released the first edition, Hoary Hedgehog, on April 8, 2. K Desktop Environment 3 was used as default interface until Kubuntu 8. That version included KDE Plasma Desktop as unsupported option which became default in the subsequent release, 8. As a result, both developers employed by Canonical to work on Kubuntu – Jonathan Riddell and Aur. Canonical provides support and security updates for Kubuntu components that are shared with Ubuntu for 1.
LTS) versions – after release. Kubuntu CDs were also available through the Ship. It service (discontinued as of April 2. Some of these are not in the official KDE itself, including Amarok, Kaffeine, Gwenview, and K3b.
Inclusion of update- manager/upgrade- notifier; Kickstart compatibility. Free Download Password Cracker For Winrar. It also comes with the Adept Package Manager, the first to make use of debtags for easier searching (replacing the Kynaptic package manager used in the previous release); System Settings, a re- organised kcontrol- like centre and KDE Bluetooth; Graphical boot process with progress bar (USplash); OEM Installer Support; Launchpad tracking; GCC 4. LTS2. 00. 6- 0. 6- 0. This release adds the photo management application Digikam and accessibility profiles – benefiting people with disabilities. System Settings is also redesigned, and power management, laptop button support & networking are improved.
Also features automated problem reports and Upstart. Ships with Strigi and Dolphin by default.
Qt port of GDebi graphical installer for package files. Includes Restricted Drivers Manager for the first time. This version intends to provide feature parity with GNOME- based Ubuntu. Ubuntu 8. 0. 4 is a long term support release but Kubuntu 8.
Intrepid Ibex. Security updates will be available for three years for desktops and five years for servers. KDE 4. 4. 2 desktop environment by default, kernel 2. KPackage. Kit 0. 5.
Firefox KDE integration, touchpad configuration module by default. Maverick Meerkat. KDE Software Compilation 4. Faster login. Default browser changed to Rekonq. New bluetooth stack.
Pulseaudio inclusion. Updated Kpackagekit with categories. Global menu for netbook. Updated Installer.
Combining of the Desktop and Netbook Editions (autodetection). Natty Narwhal. 20.
KDE SC 4. 6, kernel 2. GStreamer multimedia backend for Phonon, GTK Oxygen theme, games in the default install, UDisks and UPower replace HAL. Oneiric Ocelot. 20. KDE SC 4. 7, kernel 3. Muon Software Centre, kubuntu low fat setting, Open.
GL ES Powered Desktop Effects, Kdepim 4. KDE SC 4. 8, kernel 3. Quantal Quetzal. 20. Libre. Office 3. 6. Rekonq 1. 1, KDE SC 4.
Raring Ringtail. 20. Adaptation to systemd and to SDDM. Behind- the- scenes work on the change to Wayland. Wily Werewolf. 20. KDE Plasma 5. 4. 1, Firefox 4. Libre. Office 5. 0. LTS2. 01. 6- 0. 4- 2.
Xenial Xerus. 20. Some releases support other architectures including: SPARC. The recommended system requirements for the desktop installation are a 1 GHz or better x.
GB of RAM, 1. 5 GB of hard drive space. Archived from the original on 2. Wiki. kubuntu. org. Retrieved 2. 01. 3- 0. Archived from the original on 2.
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